Set in the 1920s, Nichole Tangle, a phone operator with a grudge against the patriarchy, is invited by a mysterious man to rob a bank. This man has no connections in the criminal world so he resorts to Nichole to try and find people fit for...
In Not So Far West our beloved cowboy finds his town invaded by aliens and decides to take the matter into his own *whip* ! Made in 48 hours for FEUP Retro Jam 2022, under the theme "Entanglement". Winner of Best Art and Best Mechanics hono...
Roll to overcome your cat's darkest fears! Rolling Milo is a game developed for Retro Jam 22 made in 48 hours . ➤ Inspired by the Psychonauts saga, you decide to travel inside your cat's mind to understand why he is so fearful. Help the l...
Love & Darkness is an adventure game about 2 love birds (ft. The Sniffer) two worlds apart but tangled by fate, whatever happens to one the opposite happens to the other. Help them find each other by lighting all 4 lighthouses, but avoid ge...
Martins is sent to hell and tries to escape, running through multiple dungeons in the depths of this prision of souls. He must entangle blocks of stone, break them and watch out for the hot fires to find the exit.
This game was developed for the fith edition of the Retro Jam event organized by the IEEE University of Porto Student Branch . It was developed during a 48 hour period for the Playdate console. Theme: Entanglement Awards 🏆 Best game -...