the order in wich you have to do the buttons takes less time to do then the music, isnt in any way synchronized with the music, after doing all the buttons in the correct order nothing happens to signalize you have finished the game, in the description its says to do some things at the same time even tho that is imposible unless you are on a mobile device, overall not much of an improovement
the order in wich you have to do the buttons takes less time to do then the music, isnt in any way synchronized with the music, after doing all the buttons in the correct order nothing happens to signalize you have finished the game, in the description its says to do some things at the same time even tho that is imposible unless you are on a mobile device, overall not much of an improovement
yeah the right rectangle is unreadable, thers no music (wich preety much means its not a rhythm game) and its anoying to control
i added a new song to the desc of the game