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A member registered Dec 15, 2017

Recent community posts

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Max Split + Auto-bounce is waaaaaaay to OP

auto-bounce can get stuck bouncing into blackholes over n over again, auto-bounce overall seems to be a buggy mess...

An in-game leaderboard would be nice.

Overall the game is great, however it is somewhat short, i have almost completed it in about 2 hours, a short and sweet experience, i like it :3

The 3D effect needs to be toned down, it hurts to look at and it may cause nausea/epilepsy

when moving at fast speed you can sometimes catch glipses of a static duplicate of your trail

This isn't a bug but it's good practice to remove mobile specific features before building PC versions, in this case the watch ad button is utterly useless on PC

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auto-bounce can sometimes launch you in a random direction untill it ends or randomly hits another ball even though there are balls it could target nearby.

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Bug report/Feedback


auto-bounce will sometimes launch the player into the lava without it killing them, you should make sure balls cannot spawn bellow a certain Y level.

If a missle hits a ball that was meant to be hit by auto-bounce and it is close to the bottom of the world then you will be launched into the lava but won't die, once auto-bounce is over you can safey exit the lava.

auto-bounce will launch you into deadly balls but kill them instead of them killing you, auto-bounce is basically god mode.

You can travel along the ceiling therefore making getting to the bosses extremely easy.

Il'l reply with more if i find any.

o b s e s s e d thx Dave


the order in wich you have to do the buttons takes less time to do then the music, isnt in any way synchronized with the music, after doing all the buttons in the correct order nothing happens to signalize you have finished the game, in the description its says to do some things at the same time even tho that is imposible unless you are on a mobile device, overall not much of an improovement

the order in wich you have to do the buttons takes less time to do then the music, isnt in any way synchronized with the music, after doing all the buttons in the correct order nothing happens to signalize you have finished the game, in the description its says to do some things at the same time even tho that is imposible unless you are on a mobile device, overall not much of an improovement


not exactly what i expected but its cool, good job on the art btw

ive already joined the weekly game jam and can not do two projects at the same time, plus, my idea was bad and would take AGES to rework into anything better


yeah the right rectangle is unreadable, thers no music (wich preety much means its not a rhythm game) and its anoying to control

WELP, ITS 1 AM HERE.. and ive made very litle progress so,,,,, idk if ill be able to finish this for the JAM but ill surely upload the game if i can finish it at some poiny in my life XD

Rhythm Game Jam community · Created a new topic IMPORTANT

I forgot to specify this, you dont need to make your own music, you can download any song you find online

i was kindda buisy today to ill start working on the game NOW

hi, welcome to this rythm game jam, i will also participate bcause........ im bored couldnt find good jams so i made my own YAAAAAAAAAAAY ...... so yeah, welcome to the jam, ill make more game jams in the future thos theyr theme might be different from this jams so i think this will be the first, and last Ryhthm game jam 

Hi BlackThornProd , unfortunatly i can not play the game cause i dont have internet too often and my laptop tells me i have not allocated enough memory to WebGL so if you could please export the game for windows (preferably 86x) please do so !!!!!