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A downloadable game.
Updated minimum price to $2.00.
MARCOCARNE updated a RyanLaleySummerJam2023 222 days ago
A downloadable RyanLaleySummerJam2023.
young.jerald updated a game 268 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
leams_studios updated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
1 new upload: 637 MB
A downloadable game.
1 new upload:
WindowsNoEditor.7z 338 MB
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux.

A neat aesthetic but hard controls make this quite frustrating. Add air control to allow player greater control whilst in the air.

A downloadable game.

The switching realms mechanic is a cool idea but is difficult to achieve especially with a limited camera making the player have to take leaps of faith and often miss their step.

A downloadable game.

Cool combat let down by weak level design and confusing elements. Often a  problem for abstract games like these and one that needs good attention.

A downloadable game for Windows.

Idea behind the game has potential but the lack of enemy variety or level variety made it simple and less motivating. Simple platforming or enemy variety would have served this well.

A downloadable game.

Cool character model and animations let down by an open world design that wasn't strong and highlighted the weaknesses in the game's gameplay. Great song too!

A downloadable game for Windows.

Very strong artwork and animations with a very original implementation of the theme of contrast between 'retro' and new technology. Level design was a bit spotty and could have been improved, and enemies are tuned a bit too difficult.

A downloadable game.

The contrast slider was a great implementation of the theme and really sold the vibe of the world and made it feel very alien. It was just lacking direction or a goal to achieve.

A downloadable game.

Cool transition effect. A few bugs discovered hampered the experience but the switching between realms is a cool concept and one that could be further explored.

A downloadable game for Windows.

Awesome music and great use of the varying styles. Controls get a bite confusing between the two characters but a strong entry.

A downloadable game.

Interesting art work and decent enough gameplay but was lacking a strong depiction of the theme contrast. Night and day need to swap more to make the comparison more contrasting.

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