I read the title page, and the existing forum threads, but still want to make sure. So, if I understand correctly, you are making your own RPG system, and the jam is for making an adventure module fitting it? Like the adventure module with choices, described difficulty checks (ore something similar), non-playing characters, combat and the like? Is it the case?
If it's so, can you tell more details? Like how long as text\playing time it should be?
Does it have to be interact-able like pdf with hyperlinks\twine or just text with described ways of adventuring is enough?
Are there unique setting elements that must be used?
Also, very important, you are saying that winner gets a prize, but all participants also retain they rights. Now, let's look a little in the future. If your idea of custom rpg system succeeds, will those modules be used commercially? And if they will be, will authors get paid their royalties?