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Programmer looking for pixel artist and music composer!

A topic by EricReptile created Jul 22, 2022 Views: 179 Replies: 3
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I am looking to make a team for this game jam, and need a pixel artist, and a music composer.

If anyone is interested, send me a message on my discord !

discord : ericreptile#1607


Composer and Sound Designer looking for a team!

Hello EricReptile,

My name is Bernardo I’m a composer and a sound designer.

I’m looking to team up for the Jam. 

Here’s some of my work.


Demo Reels:

Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s anything I can assist with. 


I am a 2D artist. I specialize in pixel art and horizons but can draw anything decently. I do not have discord at the moment, but we can work things out via email. It would be great if I could be paid for my work but if we don't win no payment will be fine.  Everything in my games and my pfp are all drawn by myself. 

I could help with some of the programming on Unity, but I am still at the beginning of the learning process, so if I did end up helping with programming it would be slight.  

Im a beat maker  here is my of my work.