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A topic by TheAwsomeBoii Games created May 01, 2023 Views: 129 Replies: 5
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The first one was related to audio, the second was a genre swap, and the third one was opposites. I'm guessing from how vintage or "retro" the banner looks,  it could be related to how old 90's games were or the 80's vibe. 


nope, the retro art is for the aesthetics:
Current contestants:
HIdden information
Second chance
Nostalgia trip
New weird
On and Off
This isn't rocket science
Cliche horror
Game in Game
Sacrifice Needed
Game not Playable. Cutscene is playable

Game in game would be cool. So would On and off!

They always have that banner before the actual banner is made.

I got chatgpt to predict it "

Based on the pattern described, the next game jam theme might have some connection with the number "four" or might involve a contrast between two different themes. 

One possibility is that the fourth game jam theme might be related to "time" or "history," as "four" sounds like "for" and "fore," which can be related to these concepts. Another possibility could be a combination of two seemingly opposite themes, such as "technology" and "nature" or "light" and "darkness."

Of course, these are just speculative ideas based on the given pattern, and the actual theme of the next game jam could be anything depending on the organizers' preferences and goals." -ChatGPT

Jam Judge

I strongly recommend that you join our Discord server to share your ideas for the event theme with others. Perhaps the next theme will be one that you propose.