I'm kind of running out of ways to intro my comments but nice game!
I like the way the game controls there's some decent enemy variety and all around it's a short but sweet shoot em up experience. I like that the enemies have some different properties but I feel like none of them really force me to switch up my game plan in a super meaningful way. The upgrades feel not that impactful but I think that's just cause the game is fairly short and not all that difficult so having a faster fire rate just isn't super notable. The upgrades menu was also confusing and I wasn't sure why it wasn't working when I clicked the buttons. And on top of that the menu popping up in the middle of combat is scary. The two headed boss dragon is a bit underwhelming and the game ends very abruptly but I liked it alright.
The visuals are pretty solid there's plenty of particle effects and good visual feedback. I noticed this in somebody else's project too but the really big feedback stuff like screen shake and sfx feel somewhat misplaced in this project. Since I'm basically always shooting having a loud sound effect and the screen shaking isn't really necessary and those kind of effects should probably be saved for more impactful moments like an enemy dying or the boss appearing. I think that would improve the game feel a lot. Also the white outlines are like kind of weird, they do a good job outlining the important elements on screen but something about it just does not make my eyes happy.
Overall solid project. Thanks for making it!
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