unfortunately i do play mmos, and apparently this translated into blundering my way into beating the boss on the first try, despite the tedious nature of entering commands for every person in a 40m'n raid
but it was very funny nonetheless
9 bucks is a little steep i think (it's not really 2-3 hours. it'll probably only take most people 1), but if you can find it for a bit cheaper than yeah go for it, it's a good time. just very cute characters just doing very cute things and I have no reason to complain lol
it's the same dev that gave me kato what did you expect :3
A pleasant experience which I come back to in times of stress.
A Nightmare’s trip is a relaxing Visual novel exploring the life of a nightmare visiting a fictitious city. The opening however, is powerful, intense, and jarring, and I love that, the black and white of the opening paving the way for this world to not be the normal you’d expect. The story is very episodic, with each excursion having little to do with one another, but each plays with it’s own humor and style. That said; spending more time with these characters; and perhaps even having the groups intermingle more, would have been a welcome sight that would have pushed this game over the top. It is still a wonderful game that I enjoyed playing.