The game takes place a year before the events of Heartlive. We play as a captain whose ship has been sunk by a mysterious enemy. And as the sole survivor of this event, we're trying to find out who it was...
bude se ti hodit: binary code translator a hex code translator a taky nekdo kdo by to hral s tebou odkaz asi: ten file nestahuj jen tenhle odkaz otevri ok, btw doufam ze mas roblox left...
This is small horror game made in Gamemaker studio 2 from "no-skill developer-CZ" You want to pee but frightning monsters from darkness noticed you Will you successfully pee and go to sleep or will the monsters get you ?! Pee like your life...
Další ze série série walking simulátorů od Lukáše Memíčka vás zavede do malého slunného městečka plného referencí a míst na močení. Prozkoumejte skrytá zákoutí, úchylné reference a dosáhněte jednoho ze tří unik...
This is a remake of my map for HL2EP2. Hope you like it! Story: You (as Gordon Freeman) were captured by combine and put into something like a prison. You will travel thru locations that you never should see. Combine arent happy to see you...