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Lets play each others games and give constructive feedback

A topic by dominikalk created Aug 24, 2019 Views: 142 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4
Submitted (1 edit)

I think as game developers the best thing we can get is feedback on how to improve but also what went well- this would not only help us improve as developers but also encourage us to carry on.  That being said i will leave a link to my game. And if you reply with literally anything  (but preferably a link to your game) i will play it and give you constructive feedback aswell.

My game -


Agree! I'll try to play as many as I can this week. Please also let us know what you like and what could be improved. Our game:


Good idea!


Great idea Im currently trying to get my game on play store its complete and i have had some feedback and made alterations though please check it out and let me know thanks