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Judges' Choice Winner announced! Sticky

A topic by Stewart C Baker created Jan 07, 2020 Views: 178 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4

After a brief panicked moment this morning when I thought it was already January 9th and I’d forgotten to do all the things, I’m happy to announce our judges’ choice winner on time and everything!

Last year and this year both it was difficult to pick our top choice. We found something to like in all the entries, but when the dust settled one game had edged ahead of our other selections by quite a bit.

That game, and our judges’ choice winner, is “Growing Pains” by George Lockett.

Congratulations, George! I’ve sent you an email so we can collect all the relevant information and get your game ready for publication in our February issue. (If you, uh, don’t see an email, you can contact me at!)

Thanks to the sub-Q staff for reading and rating entries, and leaving comments for me to pass on, and once again to all of you who entered. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to review all the unique takes on our themes both this year and last.

Over the next week or so, I’ll try to make time to post some of our judges’ constructive commentary on your work, so keep an eye out for that. :)


A lovely game!! 


Thank you, Stewart! And to everyone for their amazing games. I had a grand time playing through them all and seeing all the interesting and clever things people had done. There were so many excellent entries that this is a genuine shock (and delight) to me! <3

Over the next week or so, I’ll try to make time to post some of our judges’ constructive commentary on your work, so keep an eye out for that. :)

Is this still in the cards?