Heya! I'm a programmer, with a knack for implementing custom UIs and other tricky stuff in ren'py. You can see my biggest project here, a fangame that I did all the programming for: https://lssalvationsquad.itch.io/loves-truck-final-stop
I'm also a writer, and put my own custom route in that game, which you can see a little of here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hxmJ9gl1TM
I'm looking for a team/partner to make something cool with. I'm more than happy to just help make whatever it is the team wants, but also I'm able to contribute to writing/ideas if that's what you're looking for. If you're interested, you can respond to me here or, if you prefer, I'm "stolenoc" on Discord.
We've got a team, but if there's anyone with music skills looking for a small squad to team with, hit me up!