Fredrik Ramsberg has written a few articles describing PunyInform for beginners:
- PunyInform, a new library for writing text adventures for old computers gives a general overview and introduction.
- PunyInform: Installing the tools and compiling a game goes more into detail on how to setup an environment with PunyInform and the inform compiler on Windows, and getting started on a simple game.
- PunyInform Coding 1: The Basics covers the fundamentals of developing a game using PunyInform.
- PunyInform Coding 2: Objects and Actions covers more of verbs, actions and adding code to objects in PunyInform.
- PunyInform Coding 3: Daemons and Describing Objects covers daemons, some techniques for affecting how objects are described, fake actions and performing actions in code.
- A tutorial index saying in which coding tutorial different concepts are first explained, and which concepts we intend to cover but haven't yet.
Fredrik has also written a comparison of PunyInform and the standard Inform 6 library.
(via )