Are you new to BASIC or AppGameKit and you're stuck on how to do something. Post here for some advice.
i have a string and want change the char in position x. with "mid" i can only use for if-statement. when i make mid(str,x,1)="2" then comes error, "= unexpected token"
Are you trying to change the string using mid? The code below will tell you what character in at the location found by mid.
if mid(a$,2,1)="2"
Print("Not Now")
if GetRawKeyPressed(32)
Otherwise you might want to look at ReplaceString.
mid is not enough, i dont wanna only compare the string, i want to change it. "ReplaceString" looks better, I will try it! Thank you for your help!
You're welcome.
I have finished my game. But I have only the exe-file. when i try to export to android AGK crashs!!!
i have it. i have set the location not in the source-folder, instead i set it to my desktop, exporting succeded!
@Bardon, I'm glad you've solved it.
hello, i have an error vk create buffer.....where i can set the memory in agk?
Can you show the error please, you shouldn't need to set memory.
Error: vkCreateBuffer error:-2