What a delight! Purchased this game from the Plus One XP booth at PAXU and then played it later that same day with my girlfriend. The tone of our game was that the draculas themselves were *very serious* but that ooc we were cracking up the whole time (definitely What We Do In the Shadows" energy). She played a Techno vamp preparing for the war against birds, the greatest enemy. Her familiar was a frat boy named Gaston and she made him eat as many eggs as possible to keep the bird population from growing. I played an aristocrat with a bat familiar named Stella, a descendent of my original familliar from centuries ago. I wanted the Techno to help me find a way to infect Stella with vampirism so she could live forever, and birds of prey were our shared enemy. We invited the local werewolves over for a party to convince them to join the fight against birds. 5/5 stars. So fun.
I played this with a friend back in March I think it was. It was a great time. All the prompts sparked my imagination, and I felt that the themes of the game came through really strongly. I really liked that some of the prompts would specifically ask Jonathan or the Count to pull blocks. I sometimes found myself making choices so that I could pull a block. Would definitely play again.