The puzzles are okay, but some can be beaten easily: I beated the fifth level accidentally, because the bull went to follow another red spot near the entrace after putting the block in the button, avoiding hitting the player for some reason.
But the main problem I see with this game is that the mechanics are a bit off. Sometimes, the blocks are pushed harder than others, some times they can traspass walls. And there are a lot of levels where I kept replaying constantly, because even though I knew how to beat them, the bull went in a diferent dirrection from where I planned because I put the red spot a centimeter out of place.
Other thing, in the first level, and when the player gets hit by the bull, the screen goes white. I guess it's just a bug that only happens to me, and there are supposed to play animations like the one you showed up on Twitter.
The strongest part of this game are the visuals as always. I apreciate how you try to give a different aesthetic in each of your games to tell them apart easily.
Good luck in the jam! :)
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