Elementary school is a world of high stakes: forgotten lunches, stolen trading cards, broken alliances, political scheming, pop quizzes, inane icebreakers, and sometimes even long division. This world can be brutal, especially for those chi...
This is a tiny, subtle fantasy TTRPG setting with spirits. Made for the Tiny Library Jam #6. You know those fantasy universes where it's usually urban/contemporary fantasy and gods and dreams have as much power as people who believe or show...
Tiny Library Jam #6 - Setting. A one card setting that could be used in basically any game. A classic three to 5 way stand off. A treasure, a curse, a dog and pigeon fight and some dead bodies. Who knows what's upstairs?? This has inspired...
The Gods Walk the Earth is based on the fantasy trope, "in æ ons past, the gods physically walked the earth". This ttrpg fragment asks the reader to consider a world where this amazing idea isn't relegated to the past tense, and instead ex...
The Uprising is a system-neutral micro setting, about revolution and survival during a civil war. The setting itself fits on a single-playing card. This micro setting was created for the Tiny Library Jam #6.
The Boardwalk is a system-neutral setting for your TTRPGs that fits on a playing card. Step into a fog-choked carnival where abandoned rides groan in the wind, paper boats carry cryptic messages, and the lake hides secrets that defy time. R...
The world ended, but humanity still perseveres. Isolated in their small family units, hunted by the very plants that they once bred and farmed and destroyed, they cling to life with an iron grip. All except the inhabitants of Eden -- those...
A setting fragment for Tiny Library Jam #6. Introducing a nameless world where humans live on floating islands, travel the world on sky ships and brave the open skies with the aid of sky crystals. Subtle hints at environmental disaster, ene...
{EN} " In this fantasy world, almost everyone gets a power gem when they reach adulthood. The dream of many pirates is to discover the secret Sakurasou island and its hidden treasure, to surpass Koh, the legendary Pirate. Watch out for the...
Quick update to add greyscale versions of the map. The colour and black outline ones still exist, so this adds another options for home printing. No content has been changed and this is available for anyone who has already purchased the setting.