When I created the idea (actually for a home game years ago that didnt take off), it was meant to represent the 1%. The Platinum Sky was one of the Aspects of a magic city (aspects were like deities but represented parts of the city) and the Cult of the Platinum Sky was a cult of the obscenely wealthy (think like if the Court of Owls from Batman were a religious cult). But being those kind people would absolutely have lower tier acolytes and servants who were desperate to taste that wealth. So yeah, Cryptobros fit right in perfectly 😂
A cult of cryptobros? They must be the ones who came up with the idea of spell scrolls destroying themselves on use.
When I created the idea (actually for a home game years ago that didnt take off), it was meant to represent the 1%. The Platinum Sky was one of the Aspects of a magic city (aspects were like deities but represented parts of the city) and the Cult of the Platinum Sky was a cult of the obscenely wealthy (think like if the Court of Owls from Batman were a religious cult). But being those kind people would absolutely have lower tier acolytes and servants who were desperate to taste that wealth. So yeah, Cryptobros fit right in perfectly 😂