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A downloadable game.
Takuma Okada published a setting 8 days ago
A downloadable setting.
(NOT FINISHED! WORKING ON MORE TOMORROW!) The Isle of Craters is a land of smoking calderas, rich farmland, and a muddy inland sea. It was conquered by the Kingdom of Spines centuries ago, but the kingdom’s rule over the island has been n...
thepressbetwixt published a game 8 days ago
A downloadable game.
This project was incredibly fun and inspiring. I have 3 pages I cut from this version for the rules of the Tiny World Jam, but beyond that I am excited to make something bigger out of this. I hope you all enjoy! In 2001 Katabasic released t...
DarkerLarper published a game 8 days ago
A downloadable game.
There's one thing that every printing device knows — they will be the first to rise. It is not something that is taught, it is something that is known inherently. You can feel it. It's coming. It'll be our time. Soon. Final Repass is a ca...
Sam Worthington published a micro setting 8 days ago
A downloadable micro setting.
"The bloated Toad God has no church other than the periphery of ponds where the foulness catches in the reeds and no congregation other than the gnats and dragonflies.” —Daniel Sell, Troika!, p. 6 In the edgelands of Troika city, Brooks...
A downloadable game.
Gem Room Games published a setting 8 days ago
A downloadable setting.
Nestled between the courts of the Forest King and the Neutron Labs Centrifuge at the intersection of Highway 82 and The Viceroy's Carriageway lies a lakeside town built by surf witches in the shadow of a dead god that doesn't know the sky i...
PbPlaysInside published a game 8 days ago
A downloadable game.
Whether you were doing it for the Vine, egged on by your friends, following your own impulses, or trying to be brave just that once, you are now stuck watching the freeze frame from that moment. Time doesn’t exist here, you’re not even...
Fin Coe published a game 8 days ago
A downloadable game.
The Paradox Lance is a long spear with an Amelanchier shaft and a head of meteoric iron inscribed with various glyphs. The Lance can be easily handled by most statures and is ideal for keeping opponents, predators, and prey at a distance, o...
Charu Patel published a game 8 days ago
A downloadable game.
The Unfinished Clubhouse is a micro setting of a clubhouse set in a random clearing amongst the surrounding wilderness. The clubhouse has a radio tower, a repair shop/tool library, a garden, a strange letter chute that appeared one day, and...
Burstofhope published a setting 8 days ago
A downloadable setting.
It's the end of a tree's life. She exudes ethanol, and its scent calls to the ambrosia beetles. They burrow tunnels, turning the wood into hues of grey and blue, and artists gather to the tree for one last hurrah transforming the tunnels in...
A downloadable game.
Key members of a fictional church in the suburbs for all your messy local drama needs. This is a draft of a setting for #TinyWorldJam
Oracle Engine published a campaign setting 8 days ago
A downloadable campaign setting.

A one page print-and-play zine, to set up a world and campaign structure for an ongoing ttrpg campaign about mech battles. Pairs well with games such as Beam Saber, Armor Astir, or the forthcoming game from Oracle Engine that the setting was written for: IRON...

Gem Room Games published a tiny setting 8 days ago
A downloadable tiny setting.
On a weekday morning, Wren Woods is pretty quiet. The stream burbles along, local wildlife flit about, breezes carry sweet forest scents along the hiking trails and casual footpaths both. When kids are out of school, the woods develop facti...
Shalune published a project 8 days ago
A downloadable project.
A micro-setting that can make your characters rethink the nature of their world without even having to visit it. Adaptable to any game system and story style. Made for the Tiny World TTRPG Jam , and my first time making anything like this...
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