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Developer logs

A topic by Wifwolf created Mar 06, 2024 Views: 45 Replies: 2
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Hi, I'm new to game developing and I've seen that a lot of projects, especially those made for jams, have attached developer logs that documentt the game's progress. I'm not really sure how to make those. Do I need a log for my project in this jam? 

Host (1 edit)

Hi! The devlogs are mainly used for updates. It emails everyone that has purchased the game. So if you update something in the file or have news about something to do with the game or just want to share some backstory, you're welcome to fill out a devlog, but it's never a requirement. 

To do so you go into the edit game menu and look at the tabs at the top. The second one is devlog. You can fill one out there.



Thanks for explaining!