Be respectful and polite. Trolls will be banned and reported :)
Remember to not give out any personal identifying information!
1. Be respectful/polite - hatespeech/bigotry will be responded to with a ban, deletion of entry and any topics, as well as a ban from the discord server.
2. Do not give out personal information - due to the recent rise in transphobia and other bigotry, we advise participants and players to not give away any kind of identifying information in public forums (this includes things such as sex, gender identity, sexuality etc.) if you need to give out social media (e.g. discord for communicating with team members) please delete the information immediately after you have successfully made contact on another platform.
3. Keep topics/posts relevant to the game jam or your entry - please do not have personal conversations on this public forum, this is both to keep people safe as well as to not spam the community.