Thoroughly enjoyed running a heist for the party. I understand this PDF is a work in progress, would recommend tweaking the 'suspicion mechanic' as during the 'casing the joint' the party immediately reached the max suspicion level without really trying so I had to rein back the impact of it. But love the premise and the party enjoyed it.
Also for generating the Bathhouse map I did the 'Advanced Fighting Fantasy' method of rolling a bunch of 1d6s (as d3's) and that number is how many doorways/connections that room has - would recommend.
Very much enjoyed this session, always fun to have encounters within the Acid Death Fantasy setting. Fits well with the established lore, enemies, geography etc.
I ran it for a party who already wanted to get to the metallic ruin facilities to gain control of the satellite network hinted at in the ADF book, and this encounter was a great way of getting there.
Main difference I added was that Mr Fortitude secretly had a Grub pulling his strings while hiding under his pith hat (who was also after the satellite network), and the moment its cover was blown he gave up on his fake mission of getting the baby ape to safety.