You don't need specialised, in-depth knowledge of a huge game system to write an incursion—Trophy Dark is very simple and you can find the rules (and other useful info such as attribution) in the freely-available System Reference Document here on the Trophy site:
You can also find a huge selection of rough versions of Trophy Dark incursions from the 2019 TD incursion contest ( In particular, The Banquet of Blessings and The Gallows Stair do a lot with a little and may be useful in figuring out how to legibly get everything onto 2 sides of A4:
- The Banquet of Blessings:
- The Gallows Stair:
There's a wealth of Trophy content on the Gauntlet Blog, including notes and advice on Rings 1 through 3 (4 and 5 possibly coming in the future) and many more articles on writing and running incursions:
- Ring 1:
- Ring 2:
- Ring 3:
A short run-through of the 'classic' incursion structure (which you can use or deviate from how you like) can be found in the Gauntlet magazine's Codex – Dark 2 (published December 2018), along with the first sample incursion, the Tomb of 10,000 Dreams:
Of course, there are all the previous entries into this jam to look at—many show the first side of the trifold on their project pages, or are freely available:
Finally there's the Trophy podcast, including: an Actual Play of the highly-regarded incursion The Flocculent Cathedral; the announcement of and a deeper look into the 2019 TD incursion contest winners; and the Sixth Ring analytical podcast:
- Flocculent Cathedral AP (first episode):
- Incursion contest winners:
- Sixth Ring episodes 1 and 2, plus a later episode with a discussion on Moments:,,
Other than that, don't hesitate to ask questions here!