We're very excited to have you.
How will you express your appreciation for the Twink in or as a game?
Are they in space? Confronting essentialism? Perhaps adjusting for unknowable taxonomy?
All is possible!
this is very good, i wish id known about it sooner >.<
It's the perfect time to find it, as we're counting down the hours till launch!
O! O! I read it wrong I thought it was about to end! Joy! Elation! Klaxons!
I present: Twink Death, a zombie twink-pocalypse ttrpg.
You will choose from a class of five twinks: Sporty, Goth, Influencer, Slutty, and Average.
Your goal?
To escape the West Hollywood Quarantine Zone without getting bitten and undergoing the worst fate of all: Twink Death!
average all day