A city caper for old-school RPGs. The module is 14 pages long and contains: 8 keyed locations, an adventure summary, a city map, and GM-facing adventure aids. A minor crime boss has recruited the PCs to sabotage the championship fight. She...
OH WOE IS ME, THE PALE ERSATZNESS OF OUR HORRID NIGHTBOUND EXISTENCE, etc. etc. — yeah, anyway. You're a vampire now. Bad luck if you were vegan. Plus side: you can throw trucks if you want to! Wait, no, that's Bad, Actually — don't do...
Hi! I'm CADE, and this is my FANTASY TTRPG in this game you EXPLORE CAVES and FIGHT CREATURES and quest after a LARGE BRIGHTLY COLORED LIZARD there's NOTHING like it out there! (okay that's kind of a lie) BUT STILL you gotta be a trans kobo...
The singularity has happened. It’s limited in it’s scope, only on one station orbiting the Sun and it’s mostly a pilot program for the full singularity. Everyone has either died, or sold their digital self to this station, where they...
Great system! I will for sure be making something with it in the future! Some clarity could be used around things like luck, but overall I was able to glean what I need to create. Thank you for your combat tool!