Hi all!
The Unwrap Jam is right around the corner. Here is a quick summary of the most important practical things:
Register! Make sure to register here for this game jam as well! It is required to fill in this form, as we need an idea of how much food and "sleeping" places we need to accommodate :)
When? We start on Tuesday 14/02 9 AM and end on Thursday 16/02 - closing event to start 3 PM.
Where? This jam will be hosted at "The Square" in Kortrijk. Location Game Jam.
Sleeping? There will be room(s) (with carpet floor) available for people who want to spend the night. Make sure you bring a sleeping bag with you.
Make sure you have a team. If you don't have one, send a message to sam@daestudios.be and we'll try to get you into one!
See you there! 馃槉