This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-22 17:00:00 to 2024-03-24 12:05:59. View results

Welcome to the UPSI Jam!

This is a 42 hours game making marathon.

This time, the theme is... Confined

Here's what you need to know:

What is the theme? Confined

What can I make my game in? Anything, as long as you can upload a file that runs on browsers (recommended) or Windows, and doesn't require any additional hardware or software.

What assets can I use? The game should be developed during the jam, but you may use some pre-existing code and can use whatever art and audio assets you have the legal right to use.

When should I submit my game? You have until the end of the jam (March 24th at 12:00) to upload your game. We recommend uploading something nice and early, and updating as you go!

Who will judge the games? Games will be judged by the participants.

What will the games be judged on? Games will be ranked against the following criteria: enjoyment, creativity, presentation, and respect of the theme

  • Enjoyment - How enjoyable the game is to play 
  • Creativity - How interesting, original, creative, and inventive the underlying idea is
  • Presentation - How the game looks and sounds
  • Respect of the theme - How well the game respects the theme

Is there a Discord I can join? Yes! You can join the server right now by clicking on the link.


All submissions
Browser playable (16)
Windows (6)
macOS (1)
Linux (2)
No. We didn't use AI (23)
Yes. All the assets were made using AI (1)
Partially. We did the majority but some assets were made using AI (2)
No. We didn't use AI (20)
Yes. All the assets were made by us (11)
Mainly yes. We did the majority but some assets were not made by us (9)
Partially. We did a few but the majority were not made by us (3)
Yes. All the assets were made by us (7)
Mainly yes. We did the majority but some assets were not made by us (5)
Partially. We did a few but the majority were not made by us (2)
No. We didn't create any assets (9)

No submissions match your filter

You are being observed
Destroy wall
Pieger, Observer, survivre
In an unstable world, soul and flesh have been separated. Travel through biomes and bodies to leave this wretched place
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Tetris like with physics twist
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This game has been done at the UPsi Jam 2024 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland
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I'm stuck in this tower !! Time to get out by myself
Shoot the other gooblers to break the confinded room and make them die in attrocious suffering.
A game make for the UpsiGame jam 4 (03.2024)
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Trouver la clé et sortir !
When will theses trials end???
A l'Est du village de PoulsBurry, confinez les poules garous...
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A boat in a bottle building game. Submission for the UPSIJam 4.0.
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Our submission to the Game Jam UPSI Jam
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Et l'ascenseur des secrets
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A cute office management game
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Faire le stock de PQ pour survivre au confinement !
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Ocean Cleaner Polar Bear Edition
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Rentre vite chez toi!
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