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A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows. Set genre to Racing.
KitsHika published a game 345 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Treasure Wars és un laberint 1vs1 en el qual has d'aconseguir la major quantitat de tresors en el mínim temps possible. Cada jugador disposa de 30 segons per obtenir oxigen mentre lluiten per aconseguir aquests tresors. Per guanyar i acon...
Juan Laurino published a game 345 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
From the perspective of a child who’s taking a bath while imagining a racing duel between two submarines, two players have to fight, find treasures and precious objects over the map obtaining score points from it , avoiding mines and dodg...
The_Martina published a game 345 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
ESPAÑOL " Under Judgment " te invita a sumergirte en un entorno legal único, donde los cangrejos abogados se encuentran inmersos en disputas judiciales submarinas. Este juego de multiplayer local 1v1 ofrece un escenario de duelos legales...
A downloadable game for Windows.
This game is for Valles Game Jam 2024 Game Jam Theme: Duel + Under the water + Electricity Language: Català - English - Spanish Story Feudal Japan edo era. The samurais faced each other in quick and deadly duels. The town is controlled by...
Pol16ako updated a game 345 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
1 new upload:
Water on the Hill - Jam Version 27 MB
A downloadable game for Windows.
WaterBowl es un juego 1c1 en el cual los jugadores controlan a un luchador de sumo. El objetivo es ahogar a tu rival, chocándote con él/ella y tirándolo al fondo del mar, todo esto mientras se esquivan obstáculos. Cada jugador tiene tre...
Vicieta31 published a game 345 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Water on the Hill is a game that was developed for the "Valles Game Jam 2024" and ended in second position. It's a Couch Multiplayer 1v1 Duel where both players have a deck with different sea animals, starting with the first phase of the ga...