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hey guys im going to make a game where there is a candle and you have to protect it from enemies is this good

A topic by Zatrix478 created Sep 10, 2022 Views: 250 Replies: 7
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hey guys pls tell me if this is good 


seams a good and simple consept for a game jam so i would say go for it

and good luck for you




i had a similiar idea, but my problem, is i cant figure out how to incorporate multi-use into it.


seems fun, I would love to try it when your done :)


thnx I would also love to try yours :)


but i changed my mind I'm gonna make a platformer with rising lava and you have one key to open two doors one door leads you to the other level and one takes you to a hard level which you have to complete or your stuck there forever (unless you quit and rejoin)


Does it still look fun?