This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-08-10 04:00:00 to 2024-08-30 04:00:00. View results

Shadowdark Weird Tales Game Jam

To celebrate the incredible success of Shadowdark at GenCon 2024, where it received four gold ENNIE awards, we're hosting the Shadowdark Weird Tales Game Jam. This jam invites creators to take inspiration from randomly assigned covers of the classic "Weird Tales" pulp fantasy novelettes from the 1920s and 30s. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, this is your chance to showcase your creativity and contribute to the Shadowdark universe.

Event Details

  • Start Date: August 10th
  • Submission Deadline: August 29th
  • Voting Period: August 30th
  • Final Judging: August 31st at 7 PM EST on the Dungeon Masterpiece YouTube channel

Participants will have the entire duration of the jam to create their submissions. To get started, visit and input your username to receive your three randomly assigned "Weird Tales" covers. Remember, the assignment happens after entering your username, so don't just click through the random assigner unless you just want to play with the tool! Use the covers as inspiration to craft a unique and engaging adventure. Use the inspirational covers in whatever way you see fit. Use the titles, color pallet, artwork, or any or all of the material in whatever way you choose.

Submission Guidelines

  • Weird Tales: You must visit to receive your randomly selected Weird Tales cover assignments. 
  • Format: Submissions must be in PDF format, 8 pages or less, on US Letter or A4 paper size.
  • Licence: All submissions must follow the guidelines provided in the Shadowdark Creator's Kit.
  • Content: All written content must be original, but pre-existing art assets and AI-generated artwork are allowed (with disclosure). AI-written entries will be disqualified. Ensure your submission is set as "Free to download" or "Pay what you want" on your page.
  • Inspiration: Include a paragraph in the introduction or errata detailing which "Weird Tales" cover(s) inspired your adventure and how those elements are present in your submission.

Designer Notes

  • All artwork included in the Weird Tales Game Jam assigner tool, and each of their corresponding magazine's artwork are in the public domain. Hack them up however you wish if you'd like to include them in your submission.
  • Join the Arcane Library Discord and check out the Game Jam forum post for advice and camaraderie.

Judging Criteria

Submissions will be judged on the following:

  1. Inspiration: How well the submission incorporates elements from the assigned "Weird Tales" covers.
  2. Usability: The adventure's practicality and playability at the table.
  3. Vibes: The overall feel and atmosphere of the adventure.

Judging Panel

The top 5 finalists will be evaluated live on the Dungeon Masterpiece YouTube channel by a panel including Baron de Ropp, Dungeons & Discourse, Stephanie Plays Games, Feywild Fiend, and Grace World Destroyer!


The winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the Shadowdark Core Rules or all three Cursed Scroll Zines. The winner will be announced during the live stream on August 31st.

Develop Africa

We're partnering with the charity Develop Africa to raise funds for education and microloan projects in West Africa during the judging live stream.

Content Note

The "Weird Tales" covers and stories may contain imagery demonstrating it as a product of it's time. That said, if an entrant is using the artwork from any of these covers, please be sure they do not violate's terms of service before uploading.

Special Thanks

This game jam idea was inspired by Seth Skorowkowsi when he mentioned how hilarious it would be to re-use the Weird Tales covers as cover art for OSR adventures. Check out his YouTube channel!