Almost every time I make a new dungeon for His Majesty the Worm, I sit down and open my Knock! magazines. I’ve read them each a hundred times, but every time I find some gem that re-inspires me. I flip through them, jotting down ideas as I go - random encounters, monsters, cool magic items. I come back later and flesh the notes out.
When I was writing His Majesty the Worm, if I found I couldn’t write that day, I always allowed myself to reread Dungeon Meshi. It was a big inspiration, and I found that returning to it would help me with my writer’s block.
What are your inspirations? Are they an RPG? A zine? A comic? A video game? Take the time to sit down for an hour and give them a revisit. Take notes about what you like and want to recreate from them. Your project will be richer for it.