In a world where extreme violence is commonplace humanity has desperately tried to create a sense of security and comfort in a post-nuclear Earth. However, like many things, those on a quest to do good soon found themselves thrown into an uncanny situation that give a whole new kind of meaning to the phrase "Kill you with Kindness."
A game my team and I made for the Yogscast Game Jam!
Our Team : DarkianMaker - Programming and Lead Level Designer SonikBuster - Soundtrack, Video, and 2D Art Afiq "Mutasionisis" Yusof - 3D Modeling MerleyMonster - Assistant Level Designer Alexzen - Audio Middleware Engineering [That, sadly, we didn't have time to implement.]
The Friendsgiving Wars: A Game of Aggressive Benevolence
Let us know what you think <3 What do you like? What could we improve?