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A jam submission

Usagi YoJamboView project page

A peaceful seeming meadow is actually full of bloodshed and conflict, to the animals that live there.
Submitted by nickwedig — 4 days, 7 hours before the deadline
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Usagi YoJambo's page

What criteria/themes from Yojimbo are you using?
Two warring factions;
Locals are distrustful of the protagonists;
The daughter of one of the local families has been abducted;
One of the factions keeps captive, abused, and/or illegal workers;
One of the factions are known as ruthless criminals;
The factions combined control most businesses in the city;
The protagonists are outsiders from where the module takes place;
The only ones willing to help the protagonists are themselves outsiders;
A member of one of the warring factions has an extremely advanced weapon that they have a near fetishistic relationship with;
The individual members of the warring factions are incompetent and despicable, the real danger comes from their numbers;
The warring factions can be played against each other;
The protagonists are seen as unstoppable badasses;

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This is brilliant.  

The concept is genius; the character names - Yellowbelly the turtle, Hollyhock the Conie, Fable the fox - are brilliant and evocative.  I'm very impressed by the seemingly simple system - it's quite elegant.  The question mechanic, the profound detail of the setting, Pluck, and all the advice on how to set things up ... 

... again, it's brilliant.


Thank you for saying so. I was pretty happy with how the game turned out. 

The names of characters took some thought and effort, just because most human names wouldn't work for animal characters (since they don't have the same cultural background that we do).

Hollyhock is named that as a joke for fans of Nobilis and/or the Victorian language of flowers.