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馃懢 Composer + Vtuber looking for team

A topic by Inert created Aug 08, 2021 Views: 243 Replies: 1
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I'm Vtuber Inert and I want to make the music for your game for free! I'll stream the creation live to get some attention on your hard work. 

Discord: Inert#1732

I would be so happy if you picked me. Here's something I made for the last game jam I took part in:

Please let me know what moods or moments you need songs for so that I can get started right away!

Your new producer,

Inert 馃懢馃挏

I sent you a request on Discord! I'm not super great at music so I'd be ecstatic to work with you on the project. 
Once I can send messages to you I'll send you the design document to see if it's something you'd want to work on :)