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(1 edit) (+1)

Heya, do you perhaps have a discord? I thought i bought it once, but i can't remember if it was a free download once, maybe something just went wrong, or i accidentaly deleted the receipt?

-saw this game again, and wanted to download it

-saw it costs

-"i thought i had it?"

-checks email, no result

-check a folder where i transfered my games from my old laptop to my current/new laptop

-I have it (this Daggan, not the card-game (although that one is cool too)), but it is version 0.9
Edit: checked my version, and saw there is a discord, but clicking it doesnt work, nor can i paste any link...
Will wait for a response!


Helloooo! Well it's odd even if you have the 0.9 you should be able to download it, though I myself regularly lose track of my games on :0

Bummer i read the replay far too late!

are dm's on possible?

(also, maybe it was free  during it's very early phases, as an experimental)

(struggled in my version, 0.0.9, to survive a single night, had to be really fast too, even if the npc would die to the night-assaults either way)


My trick was to build a house, many allies, and from then more and more allies and traps!