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(1 edit) (+1)

Wow. Just wow.

I honestly didn't think much about the game content going into it. I thought I could just speed-pass into some NSFW scenes, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

I haven't been so engrossed by a story and its characters in a long time. The connection both Zack and Braden share is unrelenting and palpable that I completely forgot about the NSFW scenes. It just ended up as bonus content at this point.

How Straight!? depicts self-love, self-sabotage, and self-acceptance is so accurate and relatable to the queer experience. This is so much more than a game, it truly was an experience. 

Keeping everything open may feel a little bittersweet, but I think that's the beauty of Straight!?.

I feel like I can discuss this game for forever, but this comment will have to do. 

Thank you, Aaryn, Jordyn and Blayke. As someone who struggled (and still struggles) with self-acceptance, this game was extremely healing.

- Boy in (less) Crisis

Heya, I know I ended up talking to you when you joined the Discord but I'll still respond here. Glad you enjoyed this thing. I'm always happy to hear people downloading because it's NSFW but then completely forgetting about that while they're playing. It's a fun compliment that I just really appreciate. Lot of people have called it an "experience," which i think is super fun, too. I'm glad the story gave part of you a voice and helped you sort through some stuff. I think that's a lifelong journey. I know I seem to do it pretty often now and I think that's healthy :)

thanks for reading, thanks for commenting, and thanks for joining our little discord community <3