Personal, after meeting each of the men in the demo, I love and am interested in them all.
Ramiel of course is adorable and I want to know his character more.
Lucio actually charmed me with his caring big brother side (which I really thought I'd like him the least.)
Arjana didn't grab my interest at first, but I totally fell for him as they talked about his daughter. A teddy bear with a heart. <3
Chayton I liked the design of the least, but I totally kinda can get behind the snarky almost rival like attitude between him and Ryuu. I'd be interested in knowing him more.
Basically, I went into the demo expecting to only be interested in Ramiel, and came out wanting to get to know all the boys. And Zo. God, Zo kinda stole my heart to. xD I usually am the type to have like one canon pairing and struggle to play other routes, but all the boys seem like they'll be a joy. (and no creepy loli child-type character! yay!)