Dear Cantusmori,
After watching a playthrough of this wonderful game today, I created an account just so I could write this comment to you. Thank you so much for creating this game that, among all the many games I have watched while stagnating in my pot, stood out as the one that made me think deeply about my life. There are so many games out there that describe living with depression and/or anxiety as a terrifying nightmare, but this depiction is so much more relatable to me. I just want to stay there, safely in my pot, and not face the scary world outside, which, as Froggy so rightly said, makes it so much harder to talk to people who will ask about what I’m doing in life, which makes me want to stay inside even more in a vicious cycle. Thank you for so very accurately describing how I feel, which I find so hard to put into words. Thank you for reminding me that I don’t need to validate my existence, just being a pebble on the beach is enough. I hope that I, too, can leave my pot soon and discover who I truly am and what makes me happy!
On a totally different note, I absolutely adore the super cute art and cosy aesthetic of this game!
Once again, thank you for creating a game that made me think and feel so deeply. Sorry if I misinterpreted the meaning of anything, and sorry for venting, but I just love this game so much and I think I really needed this. Despite what Froggy might think, I have a feeling that I will remember him forever!