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This was a good game! You’ve got loads of mechanics in place which is really impressive in the time available and it has a really nice feel to it. I liked the rotation-based gameplay of the planet and enjoyed the aesthetic going on (tried the download version too and the planet sprites add a nice touch) Tutorial was also really good and the UI was very fitting

I would have liked it even more if your resources/money carried over between planets so you had an extra layer of forward planning to have enough left to start mining on the next planet and so on, as leaving the planet sort of feels like completely starting the game again, but the numbers showing saved and left behind was enjoyable to keep note of

It’s a cool concept,  I thought it made for a nice bit of thinking, making sure you stuck miners down quite early so you could keep up defence and so on. The ground defence option was particularly neat as I liked the little cube fights going on when you spawned in some fighters. It felt polished and the random generation worked well. Nice one! :D

Hi, thanks for playing!

I find if pretty funny that people liked the aesthetic; I've got no drawing talent, so I just got some squares, rotated and scaled them, then made them lighter/darker based on the layer, but I am glad they did the job :)

Yes, that was the original intention, for the money to be carried over, however I decided to leave it out simply because of balance concerns. Because I didn't have enough time to fine tune the cost and spawn rate of everything, and so I envisioned a scenario where, after evacuating a few planets, the player would either be hemorrhaging money, or would have so much that they could easily afford everything from the get-go. This way, while not as rewarding, I could at least put a cap on how much the game would get unbalanced, before being restored to neutral.

But rest assured that after the balancing update (v1.1), I will be adding it into the game :)

Thanks again for the feedback! I'm glad you've liked playing it :D