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Hi there! Sorry to hear you've had an issue.

The build of the game referenced in that error is the web-browser demo, not actually the full game (so the file 'TheRubyCourtWebDemo_v1.1' shouldn't be part of your purchased download).

Below I've posted an image of how the installation process should happen (if it doesn't appear like this for you, please let me know):

If there's still an issue, we can look into it further :)


Thank you for your help. I was able to run the game successfully, however, I continue to run into a bug that makes the game unable to proceed from the point after the vampire is let out of the box at the starts to overlap text and present options for different choices simultaneously and then goes blank and has nothing to click on...this is very frustrating. I'm on Windows 11 and this bug has happened several times, even after starting the game over from the beginning. Any ideas?

Thank you for pointing this out! I've gone through and found the error. If you re-download the newest version of the game (v1.1.1 available on the itch page) the issue should no longer be present.