Hello there. I was rushing to hand in before the deadline, so unfortunately didn't get the time to publish a build without needing some steps to get everything setup.
I spent some time to make a "bundle" which included the dependencies, but itch won't let me edit the game page as the voting for the game jam is still open.
Frankly, I don't think the game is that great as I didn't reach a lot of my goals for the game jam. If you still want to give it a try, you can download the source code including bundled dependencies from the following URL: https://codeberg.org/dirtdog/wizkeep/archive/main.zip
You will still need to install at least the dependencies "sbcl", "libsdl2", "libsdl2-image". For example, if you are using Ubuntu, I think you can install them with the following command:
sudo apt install libsdl2 libsdl2-image-dev sbcl
Otherwise, install with the package manager of your distribution or follow instructions in the following links:
- https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/Installation
- https://www.libsdl.org/projects/old/SDL_image/
If everything is installed correctly you should be able to open SBCL in the wizkeep/ directory and run (load "init.lisp") to compile and run the game.
Let me know if you need any further assistance.