Day 6 Devlog - Shields, Comms and Blackouts, Oh My!
Quite a bit of work done since my last update! We now have the beginnings of a Comms system for the characters in our story to talk to the player through scripting, a Shield System for the player to manipulate the shields on the ship and a rough start on the Temperature System.
In addition I have made a few more visual elements including the ability for the ship to be blacked out by an electrical storm, throwing the lights out and switching to emergency power (It's just a different picture with a glowing light, but its still cool!)
So, the Systems in the game are essentially where you will get stuff done. Monitoring the temperature levels, engaging the thrust, using your access key at the same time as the Captain to unlock the docking doors, altering the shields, etc.
It's great to see them slowly coming together! The thing that makes all of these elements a little more difficult is that we have the aspiration of making this whole game scripted, i.e: Once its done, in theory someone else could write a new story-line, drop it in and you have a new game to play!
That probably won't be a reality by the end of the jam, but it looks more and more like we will have a 'finished' product!