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(3 edits) (-1)

I have to admit, i really love this game. I had so much fun getting all the (GOOD) endings. I didn't think I'd care much for Quest, but I was proven very very wrong! He's lovely <3 I couldn't even bring myself to try to get any of the bad endings though, uekafh my heart couldn't take it.

Of course, I don't think I have a favorite. I love all the characters so much, maybe too much.

I'd definitely pay for dlc's of the rest of the characters too (excluding our communal grandfather Salo ofc). Particularly Onion, if only because the little we did find out about him got my curiosity piqued lol.

All in all, A+ game. The art, the music, the wonderful and endearing characters, all of it made this game an enjoyable experience.