Great job! I had a lot of fun figuring out which ratios of jump strength to gravity worked for different situations! I feel like these mechanics give this platformer a puzzle element!
I believe this game takes the theme in a very intriguing direction--if we consider a ratio which allows us to complete one situation as "stable" then we would lose stability when the situation changes and our previous combination (or the default one) no longer applies. This would call for us to "re-stabilize" the jump strength and gravity ratios once more to suit the new situation--which requires trial, error, and prediction on the player's end to create a combination which will once again allow us to progress. In these ways--this game is actually quite good at incorporating the theme! As the situation and ratios required to progress are always variable--the game incorporates instability into the gameplay and player experience. Very clever~
I really really loved the situation where the player had to squeeze through the opening with the spikes at the bottom. Through trying to solve this scenario, the player is taught that the gravity is floatier than the jump. Where before we could super jump by maxing both bars, we now require careful calibration--which shows us that jump strength and gravity are mechanically different--it may be slight but slight is significant when it comes to precision platforming. This game encourages mastery, problem solving, and planning! Games like this tend to have more niche appeal but when it comes to indie games--niche is always better!
I'm not entirely sure why some of the commenters in this section (like 2 lol) weren't very helpful or encouraging. I think this game is great and the dev shouldn't abandon this game after the jam--I wanna see them add the shortcuts they mentioned in the comments and additional levels. I had a lot of fun with this game! Keep it up!
Edits: Grammar