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The 3rd one in the mixing game makes no sense or is way too difficult to figure out, I've tried many times and cannot get it at all. 


Thank you for your feedback, we'll change the mixing game in the next update to be better.

I did end up getting it - the first 2 seem to be counteracting the problems in the notes, while the last one you have to pick the one that furthers the problem from the notes. 

(1 edit) (+5)

I've made a cheat sheet for myself, hopefully the dev doesn't mind if I post it here. The harder stages are after the break if anyone doesn't want them spoiled. There are only five possible sets of rules for each stage, corresponding to each of the five ingredients. Figuring out the third stage was mostly trial and error.

hand mix + too thick + reaction too high + use heat = water
use heat + reaction too low + bitter taste + stable = veloute sauce
stable + too thick + hand mix + reaction too low =  milk
hand mix + too thick + reaction too low + use heat = butter
hand mix + reaction too low + stable + too thin = cream

no heat + high pressure + stable + multiple stages = amylase
high temp + no pressure + single stage + no bad taste = cellulase
fast reaction + no heat + no bad taste + single stage = luminase
no heat + slow reaction + no bad taste + high pressure = pectinase
no heat or pressure + no bad taste + single stage + reaction too low = mellinase

no weight gain + no hunger + good milk + no libido = anthocyandin
average milk + no weight gain + no hunger + optimum absorbtion = catechin
no sensitive/libido + average milk + stomach unchanged + weight gain = daidzene
no sensitive/libido + no weight gain + low milk + prefer new serum = lycopene
no sensitive/libido + average breast + average milk + increased consumption = hydrolysate

Oh my GOD! Thank you! I just don't want to think and just enjoy the game the right way