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(Re-posting here in case it gets lost in the reply I originally posted it to).

Hey man, Mac user here. It seems to me that the issue lies with the type of Mac OS you made your game for/on. I've downloaded the latest version (v0.8.35) on 2 Macs: A Mac running Ventura and another on Sonoma. The game couldn't be opened on Ventura (which is the older version) as it showed the game icon crossed out, but it does seem to work on Sonoma (which is the newest version), which showed the game icon normally. My guess is that only if you make it compatible with Ventura will we be able to play your game. In my case, the Ventura-using Mac is my own (A 2017 iMac, Intel Core) so I'm stuck waiting for a compatible version. I borrowed the Sonoma-using Mac to test out this theory, meaning I'm still stuck with an older version and I wager most people saying the Mac version isn't working have the same issue as me.

Any chance you could work with this information for an update for us non-up-to-date Mac users? Thanks in advance and good luck further developing this masterpiece.

Hey, thank you so much for testing this and telling me, as I don't have any access to other Mac than mine. I'll look into it and try to make it backwards compatible!


You're most welcome, I just hope it doesn't pressure you into doing something unnecessary though.
I know how much devs can get pushed on by people who hardly ever show their gratitude and how this can affect you.
The best of luck out there in your efforts!