I figured it out! and won on my 3rd try! don't wait to roll the die to get more cards when you are already low. roll that die throughout it. it's like infinite cards if you manage to get a new card to your pile each time, I got to almost 20 points by doing that! once you reach 10 or somewhere near it like 8 points then you can probably stop using the card die and just use the rest of your cards, depending how much cards you have are left. I still suggest using rerolls sometimes. I tested if I could beat it once more but with no rerolls and only got to round three and died. I had 5 rerolls in the end. remember when you are rolling the card die, there is always a chance the die can go against you and make you lose points or cards. As this strategy has worked well for me, in the end its all luck and still a bit Unlikely to win.