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Thanks! Yeah I wish I had more time at the end to work on pacing and really wish I made a proper tutorial level. Oh well, glad I still finished considering I lost my duo early on after the concept was finalized.

The player and enemies both represent your usual Rock (magenta / pentagon / closed fist) Paper (green / airplane / open palm) Scissors (cyan / snips / peace hand sign). When the player and/or an enemy collides with an enemy, three of the following will happen:
1. Type A is stronger than type B (ie Paper covers Rock) -- entity B is destroyed
2. A and B are the same type -- enemies bounce off each other, player deflects the enemy they bounce into
3. A is weaker than B -- entity A is destroyed, or if it's the player, you take damage (marked as a loss / blinking and unable to attack until you get back to a clear space on the board)

Running out of time, and lacking the amount of gameplay polish I wanted... I decided against assigning the player a certain amount of health and adding an explicit win/lose condition. You get to play out the round regardless of how well you do, and are simply told how many enemies you directly/indirectly (by bouncing around enemies into each other) you destroyed + how many times you got hit... at the end.

I feel the pacing is a bit abrupt and fast... and I wish the pivot to turn-based combat happened sooner / I had the other developer working with me... so we would have had the time to refine the gameplay loop more, such that it wouldn't be frustrating to win or lose explicitly. A learning experience for my jams past the first one here. :)