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(1 edit) (+1)

Yup, I found more bugs/cheese! If you climb all the way up the wall on the right in the platforming area, it kind of bugs out. If you line up the dragon unicorn cat correctly, then you can do a super jump. The given height seems to change based on the platform, and at what angle. It's probably a combination of the slide walk, energy from jumping, and the momentum you get from hitting the corner. Our dragon kitty unicorn also managed to climb on air, somehow.



You need to get to a position like this, and if done correctly (Holding D in this photo)will launch you up once you press space!


It changes per side, this is the right side,

and the left side switches between these two, probably frame by frame.


Oh and using the super jump in the void, you can get here...

(1 edit)

Fun, I might use the super jump bug for some platforming, and I'll have to go check the hit boxes lol. The area that you fall into if you miss the platforms in the "hidden" area, is a fun place to test out the super jump.  I need to fix a few things, but I think it might be fun to work with that bug.  

Thank you so much for playing :) and for commenting, It's awesome to get feedback on my projects! And it's funny to see what weird places you've managed to get to, because of the bugs.


You're welcome, it's my pleasure though, I like breaking games. (Don't take that the wrong way.)

No it’s great! Lol, I like having someone that’s interested in, playing and trying to break my games. It’s very helpful :)